Community Care Team
Immanuel Community Care Team is now serving a dinner meal to 60 homeless men at Sts. Peter and Paul Shelter in Soulard. Contact Diane if you'd like to sign up for dates in 2024!
A sign-up sheet is available at the Food Pantry table near the church elevator. Menus, pans, and monies to cover the cost are available upon request. Contact Diane Tallyn (314) 910-2032 or Suzanne Hough (314) 346-6310 with any questions.
Our food pantries are still experiencing a high volume of our families in need Donations may be left at any time in the red tote at the church entrance or on the food pantry table near the church elevator. Please continue to support this ministry. A Food Pantry Wish List is available on the desk near the church elevator. The pantries cannot accept expired food, food without an expiration date, or medications or anything other than pantry/personal care items. Only non-perishable food items are accepted at this time. Questions??? Contact Diane Tallyn at (314) 910-2032 or diane_tallyn@hotmail.com.
For any questions about the Community Care Team, please email Diane Tallyn at diane_tallyn@hotmail.com