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Sunday Nights, Outings & Events

10/13/24 - 6:30pm @ church
10/20/24 - Movie Night
10/27/24 - Reformation Dinner 
11/10/24 - Guest: Rev. Reinke (sign language & deaf ministry)
11/17/24 - 6:30pm @ church
11/26/24 - Christmas Cottage
11/27/24 - Advent Dinner
12/1//24 - 6:30pm @ church
12/8/24 - Make Christmas gifts for Marginalized
12/15/24 - 6:30pm @ church
 - 6:30pm @ church


God has given the people of Immanuel a robust and diverse set of skills. we also have a diverse set of needs. To maintain a church body and a church building, many people offer their skills, to chip in and make sure that Immanuel is running smoothly, looking clean, functioning properly, and well-positioned to serve for the sake of an immediate need.

As Solomon's temple was a gift from God, God continued to remind His people that He desired their hearts. As Esther was called to save her people, she was created for the time and place God had destined her for. As Jesus sent the disciples into the world to spread the gospel of Christ, so we too have a role here that God wants us to fulfill! Here in this place, there are many opportunities to build up and maintain the church; some ways are listed below:

  • Altar Guild

  • Greeters

  • music (guitar/drums/bass; marimba; running streaming services; doing sound; sing; choir; bell choir)

  • Usher

  • Help with Celebration Events

  • acolyte

  • mentor/big brother or sister

  • peer ministry

  • carpentry

  • organization

9733 Olive Blvd. Olivette, MO 63132        314.993.2394

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